Terms of Use
A. Payment: Single payments and/or monthly subscriptions are payable in full by the customer to ePA. The customer acknowledges that additional services in excess of the permitted agreement, shall be charged by e-PA at its published rates. Such charges will be paid by the customer in addition to the single payments and or monthly subscriptions.
B. Third party liability: e-PA cannot accept any liability for third party equipment, software or services that may interrupt our service delivery.
C. Package upgrades: Addition of services can be activated within 48 hours. Incurred fees are billed in addition to and not deducted from single payment and monthly subscriptions.
D. Cancellation: Service credits packages, budgets and pay per call One months written notice.
(b) Early cancellation of subscriptions: Next month’s invoice is due and 100% of the total remaining balance payable
in full at the point of cancellation by the account holder.
(c) Pay As You Go top ups are non refundable if not used at point of cancellation.
E. Diversion facility (if applicable): The customer acknowledges their responsibility to ensure that their telephone
network provider activates the diversion facility. e-PA cannot accept liability for incorrectly configured telephone divert
settings. Assistance with diversion is however available by contacting e-PA customer support.
F. Service duration/cancellation: All service agreements are a minimum 3 months contract, for which cancellation is required in full.
G. Inflation: Our services carry a 3 % increase per year from the original term. Payments are to be made via direct debit or recurring card payments.