Our chance to flex our ego, and show the world why we do what we do, and how much we enjoy it!
Today we are going to dive further into one of the countless reasons why our top-notch Telephone Answering service boosts your customer service but also plays a vital role in preventing you from missing sales opportunities.
Missing a Call is Like Letting a Customer Leave Your Shop
It may seem an odd thought at first, but we think it has a real impact that business owners should be aware of. When someone picks up the phone to call your business, they could be simply making an enquiry or, they could have already decided that they want to make a purchase. If they can’t get through to you, they have no choice but the put the phone back on the hook without progress, and with a slight feeling of disappointment. Maybe you’ll get back to them right away, and save the day but, sadly, this isn’t always the case for most business owners. Often callers find business numbers from directories or, like most of us, Google. As useful as these services are, they usually display a list of companies that offer what your potential customer wants to buy. All they need do is scroll to the next company on the list and, without realising it, your unavailability has just given your competitor a sale, that was destined for you, in the first place.
Now let’s imagine this exact customer who wanted to make a purchase from a shop instead of over the phone. After browsing the shelves and collecting their desired products, they arrive at the till only to find nobody is around to ring them up. Perhaps they’ll wait around for a moment or two, occasionally glancing down the isles, hoping to spot a member of staff heading their way. Eventually, though, they’ll have no choice but to abandon their items and leave the shop without them.
Our top-notch Telephone Answering service boosts your customer service
Now, imagine there was a team of heroes waiting in the wings for just such a scenario – waiting to grab that customer before they even had the chance to give buying from your business up, as a bad job – That is exactly what e-PA’s tried and tested Telephone Answering service offers you. The best part is, this team is only paid when you actually use them, with no employment contracts, PAYE, sick days, holidays or wages to pay. They are packed with all of the knowledge, expertise and training to ensure they deliver a first-class customer experience to your clients, every time. In fact, your customers would never even know your e-PA isn’t a full-time member of your team.
Now, just imagine a scenario where you never miss a sales opportunity. Seems a no-brainer not to jump on that, right?
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